> Полезни връзки
> Издания - пълен текст
> Съобщения


Полезни връзки

Български лекарски съюз
Български зъболекарски съюз
Public Health Collaboration in South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE)
Eureth.net - Етика в медицината и биотехнологията - Европейска информационна мрежа с българско участие
The global community for learning about management.
The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
The Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) - USA
Centre for Integrated Healthcare Research (CIHR) - Scotland, UK
The Institute for Health and Productivity Management (IHPM) - USA
MPNnetwork: Medical Practice Managers Network. Предлага и избрани публикации и съдържание на текущия брой на списание "The Journal of Medical Practice Management "
Principles of Organizational Design
Humanlinks.com - The Indian portal on Human Resource Development
EUnetHTA - European network for Health Technology Assessment,coordinates the efforts of 27 European countries including 24 Member States of the European Union in evaluating health technology in Europe
The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
The Open Medical Institute - Salzburg Medical Seminars International
Emerald, the 24 hour gateway to management research - Information ideas insight - пълни текстове, обзори и резюмета ; информация в помощ на мениджъра, информация за изследователи и информационни работници. Осигурява се 30 дневен безплатен достъп след кратка регистрационна процедура.
AMEDEO: The medical literature guide - безплатен абонамент за медицински списания он-лайн.
Ingenta - Информация от всички научни области, включително и обществено здравеопазване.. Съдържа 11 178 622 статии и 25 727 публикации, както и редица интересни адреси; достъп до Медлайн.
The Royal Society of Medicine Press: Journal Catalogue
International Journal for Quality in Health Care
International Journal of Integrated Care - an international platform for information exchange in the area of integrated care. Access to the journal is granted after (free) registration.
HealthCare Review Online
Journal of Healthcare Information Management (JHIM)
Journal of Medical Internet Research - the first international scientific peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of research, information and communication in the healthcare field using Internet and Intranet-related technologies; a broad field, which is nowadays called "eHealth".
HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Services Administration
HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Care Economics and Organizations
HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services
HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Population Characteristics
MCC - Management Center of Competence - Kongresse und Seminare
European and international conference on education
BCon LIFO® International - Management Training - Workshops on teambuilding, communication, productivity, accountability, problem-solving and more. We deliver or train you to deliver. Complete teaching materials and online assessments. 35 years, 35 countries.



За контакти:
     Факултет по Обществено Здраве, МУ – София
     ул. “Бяло Море” № 8, ет.4, 1527 София
     Тел./факс: (02) 9432 – 127 / 304 / 216
