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Към списание "Здравна политика и мениджмънт"

dot-red Български лекарски съюз
dot-red Български зъболекарски съюз
dot-red Public Health Collaboration in South Eastern Europe (PH-SEE)
dot-red Eureth.net - Етика в медицината и биотехнологията - Европейска информационна мрежа с българско участие
dot-red The global community for learning about management.
dot-red The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
dot-red The Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA) - USA
dot-red Centre for Integrated Healthcare Research (CIHR) - Scotland, UK
dot-red The Institute for Health and Productivity Management (IHPM) - USA
dot-red MPNnetwork: Medical Practice Managers Network. Предлага и избрани публикации и съдържание на текущия брой на списание "The Journal of Medical Practice Management "
dot-red Principles of Organizational Design
dot-red Humanlinks.com - The Indian portal on Human Resource Development
dot-red EUnetHTA - European network for Health Technology Assessment,coordinates the efforts of 27 European countries including 24 Member States of the European Union in evaluating health technology in Europe
dot-red The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM)
dot-red The Open Medical Institute - Salzburg Medical Seminars International
dot-red Emerald, the 24 hour gateway to management research - Information ideas insight - пълни текстове, обзори и резюмета ; информация в помощ на мениджъра, информация за изследователи и информационни работници. Осигурява се 30 дневен безплатен достъп след кратка регистрационна процедура.
dot-red AMEDEO: The medical literature guide - безплатен абонамент за медицински списания он-лайн.
dot-red Ingenta - Информация от всички научни области, включително и обществено здравеопазване.. Съдържа 11 178 622 статии и 25 727 публикации, както и редица интересни адреси; достъп до Медлайн.
dot-red The Royal Society of Medicine Press: Journal Catalogue
dot-red International Journal for Quality in Health Care
dot-red International Journal of Integrated Care - an international platform for information exchange in the area of integrated care. Access to the journal is granted after (free) registration.
dot-red HealthCare Review Online
dot-red Journal of Healthcare Information Management (JHIM)
dot-red Journal of Medical Internet Research - the first international scientific peer-reviewed journal on all aspects of research, information and communication in the healthcare field using Internet and Intranet-related technologies; a broad field, which is nowadays called "eHealth".
dot-red HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Services Administration
dot-red HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Care Economics and Organizations
dot-red HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services
dot-red HON meeting- Health Conferences&Event: Population Characteristics
dot-red MCC - Management Center of Competence - Kongresse und Seminare
dot-red European and international conference on education
dot-red BCon LIFO® International - Management Training - Workshops on teambuilding, communication, productivity, accountability, problem-solving and more. We deliver or train you to deliver. Complete teaching materials and online assessments. 35 years, 35 countries.




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