
Vol. 3, 2003, Issue 1
Tz. Vodenicharov - The seven differences between the doctor and the manager. 3, 2003, № 1, 1-2.
Studies, Analyses, Reviews
Tz. Vodenicharov, S. Popova - Training programs in health management: mode or fit? The profession of health manager - new challenges. - 3, 2003, № 1, 5-7.
Zl. Petrova - The role of the National health insurance fund in the policy about the quality of public health: implementing of monitoring in healthcare. 3, 2003, № 1, 8-12.
Zl. Petrova - The role of the National Health Insurance Fund in the policy about the quality of public health: Medical audit in the process of bettering healthcare quality. 3, 2003, № 1, 8-12.
Chr. Jivkova - The cloning - ethical problems. 3, 2003, № 1, 18-23.
L. Chakarova-Gateva - Multiprofessional medical education. 3, 2003, № 1, 24-26.
K. Shopova - Accents of promotion of health - 3, 2003, № 1, 27-33.
P. Balkanska, L. Tomov - Modern approaches in the medical and social care of elderly demented patients - 3, 2003, № 1, 34-39.
L. Chakarova-Gateva - Continuing medical education. - 3, 2003, № 1, 40-44.
Business and Enterprise
B. Davidov - Local self-government of the healthcare system: from rhetoric to economic approaches. Economist's speculation. 3, 2003, № 1, 45-49.
N. Ananostev - Organizational and management problems of occupational medicine. 3, 2003, № 1, 50-52.
Discussion Club
D. Krashkov - The medical service: expertise of economy (Abstract of the publication of the publication of I. A. Togunov: И. А. Тогунов - Медицинская услуга: экспертиза экономичности. Published in: www. rusmedserv.com). 3, 2003, № 1, 53-55.
D. Krashkov - Conceptual method of the system approach to the medical aid quality expertise. (Abstract of the publication of I. A. Togunov: И. А. Тогунов - Концептуальный метод системного подхода к экспертизе качества медицинской помощи. Published in: www. rusmedserv.com). 3, 2003, № 1, 56-57.
In the World: Events, Facts |
Chr. Alexieva - Principles of the German Medical Association concerning terminal medical care. (Translation). 3, 2003, № 1, 58-60.
New books - 3, 2003, № 1, 61-62.
Author Instructions - 3, 2003, № 1, 63.

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