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FPH - MU Sofia

Instructions to the Authors

Papers submitted to the journal “Healthcare Management” should meet the following requirements:

Submission of a manuscript

We kindly ask you to send your manuscript and illustrated materials in electronic form on a 3.5 diskette. You should label your diskette and write down the operational system and the name of the used text editor. We prefer using the Windows operational system and MS Word text editor. You should carefully write down the missing symbols (Greek letters, mathematical symbols). Please, send us the final version of your manuscript – on a diskette and two paper copies. When you receive a message that we accepted your manuscript, it means that it is submitted to reviewers.

Other way of submission is by E-mail. The journal has 5 issues in two months, i.e. 15 January, 15 May, 15 July, 15 September and 15 November. We can publish extra issues, especially when we received papers in the profile of the journal, that are not actual for further publication (original publications connected to defenses of Master theses, graduate and undergraduate projects; analyses; future events; personal opinions, etc.). We inform the author about our decision in the same way as we mentioned above. Then the manuscript should be presented in the same form. This opportunity for quick communication and coordination do not give any advantage to the other articles, which are coming routinely, and it has a limited capacity.

In case of necessity you may send your manuscript only in printed version but it should be arranged preliminary with the editors.

If the paper has been already published, the author has to send a copy for evaluation of the extent of covering of the published and the submitted paper. The editors assess it and if the covering of the two versions is more than 10%, the paper is not accepted.

Reviewing procedure

When your manuscript is submitted to the journal, the editor, after assessing it, decided if it is suitable for publication – accepts it, requires remaking, or rejects it.

Ethical rules

We kindly ask you, when you report results from experiments with people, to point out whether or not you have used fixed ethical norms in the country or according to the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association.

Manuscript presentation

The language of the journal is Bulgarian, with the exception of the summaries in English and the bibliography (Russian, English, French, German). We translate bibliography description presented in other languages into English language and put in brackets the original language.

Manuscripts should be printed on paper format A4 with sufficient space for the notes of the editor. Please, do use double space between rows, and that is valid for the notes and bibliography, too. Quotations should be putted in quotation marks.

You should number the pages and include in the first page the following information:

- Shortened headline (in the way you wish it to be printed on the top of
   the pages).

- Type of publication.

- Headline.

- General agreement with the copyright requirements.

- Name, surname and family name, position and grade of the authors.

- Full address for correspondence, occupation, work place, telephone,
   fax, E-mail (for each author).

Kind of publications

We accept manuscripts connected to the subject headings of the journal as follows:

Scientific publications (up to 12 pages);

Results from original researches or theoretical works including strong argumentation of the problems and problem areas. They are structured as follows: introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. Summaries and key words are included in the size of the paper. If the article is longer than the usual size, we publish it in the following issues. The papers should not be already published, with the exception of some presentation forms – as a summary, report of intermediate results and so on. It is acceptable to reprint original publications, if we have a written agreement of the original publisher.

Scientific reviews (up to 15 pages): They should meet the requirements for the scientific publications.

Analyses (up to 8 pages): Critical analyses of phenomena and processes in the field of healthcare from the viewpoint of the health management.

Applied projects (up to 8 pages): Papers of applied projects and their realization or papers for implementation of policy decisions, management strategies, new methods of health management, creative management style, information systems for health management, organizational models and decisions, etc. Descriptions should include as follows: introduction (short review of the foreign and own experience), goal(s), task(s), processes (technology) and results. We recommend comparisons to other countries to be made. Each paper could be finished with some recommendations for the future activity.

Scientific programs and curricula (up to 8 pages): Special researches and publications of programs and training courses of health management.

Reviews of scientific publications (up to 6 pages) in foreign informational sources and in Internet.

Practical opinions (up to 5 pages): Synthetic presentations of management cases, general discussions, commentaries to publications in mass-media, discussions of implementation of management acts, information about anniversaries, scientific and significant social events.

Book reviews (up to 2 pages): Reviews of new books and published reports, especially with limited access to the country. Major subjects are discussed. Contributions and limitations are assessed as well as the degree of relevance to health management.

Letters to the editor in chief (up to 3 pages): Readers’ opinions about the journal as a whole and about separate publications. The authors are invited to response to the readers’ opinions.

Summaries and key words

Manuscripts should have a summary in Bulgarian and in English language containing up to 200 words. It does not include abbreviations and quotations. You should put under every summary from 5 to 8 key words. Summaries and key words should present as full information as possible. It is necessary for the preliminary assessment for selection as well as to inform the readers, who will not read the whole paper.

Use of abbreviations

Abbreviations should be explained, when they are used for the first time.

Figures and tables

1.  Besides the copy of the figures printed on paper, it is required from the authors to enclose their electronic variant in format EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), TIFF (TIF) or JPG (JPEG). Figures submitted in any other format should be scanned.

2.  The figures should be copied in separate files without their headings, which are included in the article. Files are named by the serial number of the figures. We prefer the EPS-format for vector graphics. The lines should not be thinner than 0.25 pts as filled out shade and the background should be at least 10%. We prefer TIFF-format for bitmap-graphics. The optimal resolutions are black-white lineal figures – 1200 dpi; lineal figures in gray tone or with colour lines – 600 dpi; photographs – 300 dpi; screen combinations are presented as they are.

3.  If you are not able to present the figures in an electronic version, please send us only hand-made pictures of high quality, which can be reproduced and do not have to be painted again. The size of the letters in each texts in the figure should be large enough if it is necessary the letters to be reduced. Please, do mention if you want your figure to be printed coloured or black-white. Figures that should be printed black-white have not be submitted coloured. The authors pay the costs for printing of coloured figures.

4.  Each figure and table should be pointed out in the text and be numbered. Please, do write on the back of each figure the name of the author (the first one) and its number. Figures and tables are enclosed to the end of the manuscript, following the bibliography. Each figure and table should have a legend or explanation notes (if it is necessary). The approximate position of the figures and tables should be mentioned in the left side of the page.

5.  You should give explanation notes about the texts in the heading or in the table as a note. Such explanation notes should be placed after the table as “1…” or “a…” “A…” (superscript).


First-, second-, third- and fourth-rank sub-headings should be well separated, short and clearly defined.


We kindly ask you to put your notes at the end of the manuscript. The notes should be marked by a consecutive numbering “1” (superscript numbers) in the text and placed at the end of the article prior to bibliography.


Please, do not use the numbers of the pages for references.

References should be used about:

-  Number to the showed equality

-  Number of a table

-  Number of a figure

-  Number of a bibliographic source (from the bibliography)

Reference number in the bibliography should be written in square brackets in the text.


Bibliographic sources as monographs, journal publications, articles in collections, congress materials, conferences, protocols of workshops, technical reports, laws, normative acts, standards, etc. should be submitted in a separate list at the end of the manuscript and in alphabetical order, first in Cyrillic alphabet, then in Roman alphabet. Publications under preparation or in press, unpublished researches, personal communications, etc. should not be included in the bibliography. They should be referenced in the text of the manuscript (e.g. T. More, personal communication).

Each bibliographic source has to be written on a new Arabic numbered paragraph. If the authors are up to three ones, write the family name of the first one (spaced) and his initials, then the initials and family name of the other authors. When the authors are more than three ones after the family name and initials of the first one is written “etc.” (for Roman alphabet – “et al.”).

The information has to be written as follows:

Quotation of monographs should include as follows: Authors’ names. Title. Place of publication, publisher, year, quoted pages.

For example:

B a k h t i n, M. Rabble’s and His World. Cambridge MS, M.I.T. Press, 1998, 235-401.

Quotation of parts of edited collections should include as follows: Authors’ names. Headline of the part. Title of the collection. Editor’s names. Place of publication, publisher, year, quoted pages. For example:

D e l a r m e s, R. Passions in the Mind. Mind Research. P. Stoltz and C. Carter (eds.). Frankfurt am Main, Klosterman, 1949, 7-68.

Quotation of summaries of scientific events should include as follows: Authors’ names. Headline of the summary. Name of the scientific event - date and place. Then write the description of the publication in which the summary was published according to its type. For example:

C h a n g, K. F., C. S. Lee. Organizational Culture and the Healthworker’s Ethical Position. Taipei, May 8-9th, 1986. - In: Proceedings of the Academy of International Medical SEA Regional Conference. R. T. Kwok and S. Shering (eds.). Taipei, National Chiao Tung University, 1986, 3-9.

Quotation of publications in periodicals should include as follows: Authors’ names. Publications headline. Title of the periodical, volume, year of publication, No, pages. Example:

G r o s z, R. R. The challenge of ethical behavior in health institutions. - New Health Care, 11, 1992, No. 4, 505-513.

Quotations of technical reports or dissertations should include: Authors’ names. Publications headline. Place of publication, institution, year of publication. Example:

G o u d e r, S. H. The Influence of Individual Values on Ethical Decision Making. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Columbia, University of South Carolina, 1991.

Quotations of the sources from Internet should include as follows: WEB-page headline (URL – Uniform Resource Locator, or Internet address); Date of opening the page for the purposes of the publication.


It is responsibility of the authors to get permission to cite bibliographic sources as well as for reprinting of illustrations, tables, etc. that are unpublished or protected by copyright.

Information in detail

Please, send your manuscript, ask for consultation about its presentation or for information in detail to the following addresses:


Bulgaria, 1227 Sofia
8, Bialo More St., IV fl.
Public Health Faculty, Medical University - Sofia

Journal “Health Policy and Management”
Tel. / Fax: + 359 02 9432 – 127 / 304 / 216