
Vol. 3, 2003, Issue 2
Tz. Vodenicharov - The first difference between the doctor and the manager. 3, 2003, № 2, 3-7.
Studies, Analyses, Reviews
Zl. Petrova - The role of the National health insurance fund in the policy about the quality of public health: institutionalizing of the process for ensuring quality. 3, 2003, № 2, 8-11.
L. Katrova, I. Coulter, C. Maida, M. Marcus, Tz. Katrova - Political, economic and social contexts of the health reforms in the reforms in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. 3, 2003, № 2, 12-19.
Chr. Jivkova - Once again about euthanasia. 3, 2003, № 2, 20-27.
R. Stefanov, I. Dimitrov - Planed number of children by the newlywed bulgarian families under the conditions of social and economic transition. 3, 2003, № 2, 28-31.
P. Balkanska - Communication competence - a necessary social skill of the manager. 3, 2003, № 2, 32-36.
S. Toncheva - Necessity of further training of nurses for primary health care services. 3, 2003, № 2, 37-40.
L. Georgieva, G. Genchev - High risk approach - possibilities for impact on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in Bulgaria. 3, 2003, № 2, 41-44.
K. Lazarova, D. Tenchev, L. Georgieva - Patients' rights in the Bulgarian public health according to the acting law. 3, 2003, № 2, 45-51.
Health Economics
B. Davidov - Centers of power in management of healthcare delivery system: Ministry of health or National health insurance fund to manage healthcare delivery system? 3, 2003, № 2, 52-57.
G. D. Genchev - Economical aspects of the examination of symptoms' informativity. 3, 2003, № 2, 58-61.
New books - 3, 2003, № 2, 61. |
Discussion Club
T. Zlatanova - Regulation market of medical services in the world of classic methods of management. (Abstract of the publication of I. A. Togunov: И. А. Тогунов - Регулирование рынка медицинских услуг в свете классических методов управления. Published in: www. rusmedserv.com). 3, 2003, № 2, 62-64.

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